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Messages analytics

folk's all-in-one messaging tool lets you send personalized emails in bulk, see analytics, save drafts, and share emails with your team.

Julie Abecassis avatar
Written by Julie Abecassis
Updated over a week ago

Sent campaigns overview

Get an overview of all your messages in folk, including drafts, in-review, and sent emails.

Just click on "Messages" to see the list of all the emails you have created in folk, and the following:

  • Subject: the subject line of your email

  • Group: the group your email was sent to

  • From: the email sender

  • Status: draft / in review / sent

  • Analytics: delivered / opened / clicked / bounced

Please note that contacts in cc and bcc are counted in the analytics

Click on your sent campaigns, to get more detailed analytics on this specific campaign (in the activity section), such as: date email opened/delivered and links clicked.

Collaboration on campaigns

You can write your email and then simply save and close it. The campaign will automatically appear as a draft in Messages, so that your teammates can review the email and make changes if needed.

For more tips on writing great emails, check out Julie's Tips, a series of short and informative videos.

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