Contact details are located on your contact's profiles, they are the basic info of your contacts.
There are 3 types of properties:
Native fields: pre-defined fields shared on every contacts such as first name, last name, emails, phones, job title, companies, URLs, note, birthday, gender, addresses.
Smart fields: pre-defined fields shared on every contacts, auto-calculated by folk such as last interaction date, number of interactions and strongest connection.
Custom fields: fields you create in your groups (proper to a group), such as custom tags, dates, text etc...
Contact details are fully customizable, you decide which fields to display and in which order. What you choose to display will apply to all contacts from a specific group. Just click on visible fields, to select the right fields and re-order them the way you want.
Quick actions
You have quick actions on each contact profile:
Email: to reach out to the person
Enrich: to find contact's data (like email, URLs, job title, company name)
We also recognize your favorite social media (LinkedIn, Twitter etc...) from the links added in the URL field. This way you can quickly open the right links from the profile.
And we offer the option to open WhatsApp in one click (when the phone number if filled in).