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Contact fields

Add the data that matters and display info your way

Updated over a month ago

There are four types of fields on people and companies:

  • Native fields: pre-defined fields shared on every contacts.

    • For people: First name, Last name, Emails, Phone numbers, Job title, Companies, URLs, Birthday, Gender, Addresses

    • For companies: Name, Emails, Phone numbers, URLs, Addresses.

  • Metadata fields: for people, companies & deals shared on every contacts.

    • Created at, Created by, Added to group at, Added to group by

  • Smart fields: pre-defined fields shared on every contacts, auto-calculated by folk.

    • For people: My Last interaction, My total interactions, Strongest connection and Groups.

    • For companies: Groups.

  • Custom fields: fields you can create in your groups (proper to a group), with different formats (Dates, Select, Multi-select, Numbers, Text etc...) to customize the data on your contacts.

Metadata fields

We automatically add the data about when a contact (people or company) and a deal (object) was created and added to a group (date & time) and by who.

Created at & Created by: are for when the contact was first added in the workspace.

Added to group at & Added to group by: are for when the contact has been added to a group.

Smart fields

Smart fields in folk are pre-defined fields shared on every contacts, auto-calculated by folk such as last interaction date, number of interactions, strongest connection and groups.

My last interaction

Once your email is synced to folk, we'll automatically calculate the date of the last interaction (email or calendar event) you've had with a person. The field is updated in real time with your latest interactions synced on your contacts.

It is only calculated on your own interactions and not the shared interactions from your team.

My total interaction

Once your email is synced to folk, we'll automatically calculate the total number of interactions you've had with a person. The field is updated in real time.

It is only calculated on your own interactions and not the shared interactions from your team.

Strongest connection

Have you ever wondered if anyone on your team already knows a prospect you want to contact? Or who would be the best person on your team to reach out?

You can use Strongest connection to leverage your network for introductions, or relationship owner.

Strongest connection will only be calculated if you have teammates in your workspace and if they have shared their interactions.

Based on all team members' interactions, it will calculate who on your team is closest to every one of your contacts in folk.


  • Strongest Connection is calculated in each group of contacts out of the members that have access to that group.

  • It’s visible in the table view, the Kanban view, and any contact profile, and displayed by default on every newly created table view.

  • Strongest Connection is not yet available on company views or company profiles.

  • If we don't detect any connection in your workspace, the field will be empty.

  • The strongest connection depends on multiple elements including number of interactions, days since the first interaction, type of interactions (1:1 or group emails), sense of interaction (bilateral or no) and days since the last interaction

  • When you add a new contact to a group, the Strongest Connection may take a few hours to appear while it is being dynamically calculated.

Custom fields

Add custom data to your contacts with custom fields.

To create a new custom field, simply click the column '+' in the table view, on the right side of your group. There are different types of custom fields you can choose, depending on the kind of information you want to add:

Select & Multi-select

  • Select: add single tags to your contacts. Examples: Type, Status, Location etc....

  • Multi-select: add multiple tags to your contacts: Examples: Skills, Expertise etc...

Once you've created a select or multi-select field, you can easily reorder the options from the dropdown. This way you can sort the Status options in the relevant order for instance. And when sorting by this field, we'll apply the same order from the dropdown.


  • Add a date for an upcoming event (e.g. the date of the next interview with a candidate)

  • Add a deadline (e.g. the date when your contact needs to be sent a document)

  • Add any custom date (e.g. Anniversary date, Contract dates etc.)


  • Add regular text for description, notes or comments to your contacts.


  • Add any numerical formats like currencies or percentages on your contacts.

You can change the format to choose Percent or Currency (and select among the list of currencies).

Member (owner)

You can tag teammates from your workspace to:

  • Assign contacts to a teammate (interviewer, account owner)

  • Clearly indicate who knows who (for intros for example)

Contact (relationships)

You can tag any contact or company from your workspace to:

  • Add people to indicate relationships between contacts (e.g. relatives or partners)

  • Add companies to indicate relationships between a contact and companies (e.g. company portfolio for a VC, or subsidiaries)

Note that the relationship is only 1-way between the contacts.

Magic fields

Magic fields are AI-powered custom fields. Use a prompt to generate AI content.

Custom visualisation

You can customize your group display the way you want:

  • Display/hide fields: select or unselect fields from "Visible fields" or directly from the header of the column

  • Re-order columns: drag & drop the columns or re-order them from Visible fields dropdown.

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