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Track deals

Manage deals, opportunities, projects and much more

Updated over 2 weeks ago

We're introducing a new object in folk, in addition to People and Companies, it is now possible to create Deals.

For your sales workflow, you’ll probably have multiple opportunities or deals for each lead/account. With Deals, you can create these deals and link them to your leads to properly track your sales pipeline.

Deals can be used for multiple use cases:

  • Tracking opportunities/deals in your sales pipeline

  • Tracking projects with your partners, freelancers etc...

  • Tracking products in your sales pipeline

How to use deals

First you need to create deals from your people or company table views.
A deal can be linked to both people & companies, and the same deal can be linked to multiple people and/or companies. You can add multiple deals to the same contact.

Create/import deals

1. Create from table view

  1. Open your group and go to your table view (people view or company view)

  2. Click the "+" column on the right side

  3. Select Deals

  4. Rename the column the way you want

  5. Create the right deal name and link it to your contacts (people or companies)

Once your Deal column is created and linked to people & companies, you can create a dedicated table view for your Deals. Just click "Create new view" in the top bar, select Deals and Table view.

It will add all your Deals in a table view, with the Deals' name in the first column. It will create by default a column for People & Companies linked to your Deals (please note that you can only link people & companies if they are part of the group).

And all the custom fields associated to your deals in other columns.

From this view, you can easily create new fields by clicking the "+" column on the right side. You can set up the display with visible fields and apply the relevant filters.

2. Create from pipeline view

You can also create new deals from a pipeline view by clicking "Create" in the view:

3. Create from a file import

You can also create deals in bulk through a file import.

When importing a file of people or companies, you'll be able to import deals linked to these people or companies.

Update deals' profiles

Each deal has its own profile. By default when creating a deal, we apply a template with pre-made custom fields associated to the deal: Status, Deal value, Deal owner, Closed at. And by default we track the metadata Created at and Created by fields.

Add custom fields

Once you've created a deal, you'll be able to add custom fields associated to the deal to track the relevant data.

Just click on the deal, to open its profile. From the deal's profile, you can add the following fields:

  • Select & Multi-select to track priority and deal status for instance

  • Dates to track the timeline

  • Member to assign deals to your teammates

  • Numbers to track deal value

  • Text to add a description

With Visible fields, you can easily re-order how fields are displayed on the Deal profile and also display/hide only the relevant fields. It will apply to all the Deals of your group.

People & companies

On the object profile, you can also check which people & companies are attached to this deal and link more if needed.


Add notes to your deal. You can mention your teammates in these notes to collaborate with them.

Manage your deals in a pipeline

Once you've created and linked your deals to your contacts, you can create a dedicated pipeline view to track them in your workflows.

Just click "+" Create new view in the group header and then select Deal + pipeline view.

Your deals will be organized in the different stages of your sales pipeline, to better track your sales efforts.

For each stage of the pipeline, by default we calculate the number of deals (cards) you have in the column.

You can change this calculation, to calculate the sum (or any other calculation) of your number fields attached to your objects. This way you can get the sum of your deals value for instance.

You can display/hide the relevant fiels on your deals' cards in the pipeline view.
Just click visible fields on the right, to select/unselect the relevant ones.

You can also filter deals by their name, associated fields and by the people/company they are linked to:

Deals reporting (dashboards)

Once you've created deals, you can analyze your sales funnel and track Deals in your Dashboards.

Simply go to Dashboard and create a new dashboard and select the Deals object.

Then you can easily configure the charts based on the associated fields you're tracking on your Deals.


  • It's not possible to export Deals.

  • It's not possible to create/update Deals through Zapier & Make.

  • You can only link people & companies to your Deals, if they are part of the group where you have created Deals.

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