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Search & organize contacts

Categorize your contacts via the search

Julie Abecassis avatar
Written by Julie Abecassis
Updated over a week ago

The global search gives you an overview of all your contacts, including those that have been added to groups and those that haven't. You can search for any of your contacts and we show you by default the first thousand contacts.

You can access it from the sidebar or with the shortcut Command + K.

Add contacts to groups

Select one or multiple contacts to add them to your groups.

  • To select one contact: click on the checkbox of the contact or use the keyboard shortcut "Option + X" on Mac and "Alt + X" on Windows

  • To select several contacts: Click Shift + ⬇️ ⬆️

Then click on Add to group (or press Command + Enter on Mac, Ctrl + Enter on Windows), and add your selected contacts to one or multiple groups at once.

To unselect contacts, just press escape (esc).

Delete, merge contacts

Once you've selected the right contacts from the list, you can either delete them in bulk, or you can merge them if they are duplicates.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Open search page: /

  • Navigate through contacts: ⬆️ ⬇️

  • Select contacts: Option + X (Mac) | "Alt + X" on Windows

  • Select multiple contacts: Shift + ⬆️ ⬇️ | Alt + ⬆️ ⬇️

  • Unselect all contacts: Esc

  • Open a profile:

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