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Data Enrichment

1-click Enrichment

Updated over a week ago

Enriched data allows you to build comprehensive contact profiles, providing a more holistic view of each individual. This context is vital for nurturing relationships and maintaining relevant interactions.

What is data enrichment?

1-click data enrichment streamlines the process of adding valuable context to your data, enhancing the quality and depth of the information available in your folk account. For now, you can only enrich data on people's profiles.

Fields that can be enriched include:

  • Email

  • Company name

  • Job Title

  • Contact URLs

When you select the enrich option for your contact/s within folk, the system first identifies the data elements within your dataset that can be enriched (e.g., email, company name, etc.).

We use waterfall enrichment, which is managed by a combination of providers, including DropContact, Clearbit, and, to find the relevant information on your contacts.

Our providers do not exploit or resell any data. These tools help connect folk to various data sources. The data is then copied from these and added to folk!

How to use enrichment in folk

From a group

  • To enrich only a few contacts, select them in your group using the checkboxes on the left-hand side and select 'Enrich' in your action toolbar at the bottom.

  • Select 'Enrich all' to enrich everyone in a group (up to 500 contacts at a time).

From a contact record

Open the contact record, select 'Enrich', and once it's finished, any data populated from the enrichment feature will show a sparkle on the right-hand side.

From the extension

You can also enrich contacts from the extension. First, you'll need to select 'Add to folk' from the LinkedIn profile (or any other social media) select a group to add them to and then select 'Enrich' from the extension.

If any fields have been successfully enriched, they'll appear filled out (sometimes with multiple lines of data!). This person's data now shows two companies, a job title and an email.

Best Practices

Combine people and company data on a contact first. For example, have First Name, Last Name, and Company URL or LinkedIn URL on a profile to find their email. Enrichment results will be limited if the inputs are only First and Last names.

How long does it take?

Once selected, the enrichment process can take a few minutes. You can watch the progress on the bottom left. Once the process is complete, a notification indicates the number of successful contacts enriched. The enriched data will automatically be added to your contact(s) fields, and a sparkle icon will help you identify the enriched fields.

How do I know if a field has been enriched?

When selecting 'Enrich', any successfully enriched fields will appear with sparkles on the far right of their contact record. These will also appear when you enrich from LinkedIn.

You can also view these from the group overview.

How many enrichments do I have?

You can find out how many enrichments you have left by selecting Settings > Workspace details.

The Standard plan allows for 500 credits per month, and the Premium plan allows for 1000 per month. Please note that these run from when you first signed up for the paid plan, not per calendar month.

Each field that is successfully enriched will be deducted from your monthly allowance.

If the enrichment is unsuccessful, the credit will be added back (and not counted).

When was the enrichment added?

You can see when an enrichment was successfully applied by hovering over the enriched field.


  • Enrichments only work around 50-60% of the time, depending on what our providers can source from online. For example, you may have a first and last name and a LinkedIn URL, but if the contact doesn't have an advertised email online, it will fail to enrich.

  • You will only be charged credit if enrichment data is found.

  • Enriched data will be added, even if the field already has data. The new, enriched data will not replace the existing data.

  • The limit is 500 enrichments at any one time.

  • For now, we only enrich people, not company data.

  • You cannot enrich a field if an enrichment is still being processed.

How-to video

๐Ÿ’ฌ Do you have any questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you! You can find the folk team via:

  • Live chat from your account (the ? button in the bottom right-hand corner)

  • Or send us an email

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