When using folk, you might encounter some limits in groups, views or imports. Here is a comprehensive list of limits 👇
Limits in workspace:
Maximum number of groups per network: 500
Maximum number of members: 100
Maximum number of domains (if custom plan): unlimited
Maximum number of emails synced (if custom plan): unlimited
Limits in groups:
Maximum number of contacts per group: 100.000
Maximum number of views per group: unlimited
Maximum number of columns (fields) per group: 500
Maximum number of Custom Fields per group: 100
Maximum number of characters in “text type” custom field: 2000
Maximum number of relationships in “contact type” custom field: unlimited
Maximum number of assignees in “member type” custom field: unlimited
Maximum number of tags in “multi-select type” custom field: 500
Maximum number of tags in “select type” custom field: 500
Limits in contact details / contact panel:
Maximum number of adresses per contact (both people and companies): 20
Maximum number of emails per contact (both people and companies): 20
Maximum number of phone numbers per contact (both people and companies): 20
Maximum number of URLs per contact (both people and companies): 20
Maximum number of companies contact (people): 20
Maximum number of interactions displayed: 30 rows
Maximum number of characters in notes: unlimited
Maximum number of characters in interaction notes: unlimited
Limits in csv/xls import:
Maximum number of file columns: 200
Maximum number of file rows: 100.000
Maximum number of characters per row (mostly for notes): 2560
Limits in email campaigns / sequences:
Maximum recipients: 5000
Maximum characters in text: unlimited
Maximum file attachment size: 18 Mb